Tracciatura CAD per la progettazione automatica di pareti modulari a pannelli

Released the program that takes care of the Design and Fitting of modular walls, doors, windows, profiles and office accessories according to the methods and standards defined by the customer. </ p >

It is a design system that uses a 3D CAD equipped with parametric drawing tools, functions with its internal automatic logics and guided manual commands for the construction and assembly of the various elements.

The Procedure in the CAD environment will allow the user to draw lines / polylines that identify the walls. The starting input of the project can be the customer’s layout as a reference “base” with the walls represented by a polyline on a layer.


– Insert the doors in the middle of the wall or in the chosen point and / or through a command that positions them correctly.

The software:

– Automatically recognizes nodes and automatically places junction blocks

– Inserts the panels using the current logic, from the most complex to the simplest node, placing the remains at the end of the wall or where required.

– Respect the rule to insert at least one standard panel in the wall before the door and otherwise move the door.

– Allows you to also insert special panels of the same size on a wall anyway.

– The tracing of the walls is normally done on the axis of the line. In particular, the “yellow” dividing walls are on the axis, the walls of the runners are “red” and their position is outside the line.

The procedure also allows you to:

– view the project in isometric 3D

– Derive the quoted front views for each wall

– extract the data of panels, nodes and doors in excel

Contact SCT Informatica

+39 0341/42.29.29
+39 0341/42.19.06

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