IDM-CAD 2016 esporta ed importa in STEP e IGES
The module for all the products of the IDM-CAD 2016 line is now available which allows the conversion from IGES to STEP in DWG and vice versa.
ISO 10303 , official name STEP (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data – “Rules for the Exchange of Product Data”), is a standard containing a set of rules for the integration, presentation and exchange of data (via computer); it can be used to transfer data between the following systems: CAD, CAM, CAE, PDM / EDM. The IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) (pronounced eye-jess) defines a neutral data format that allows the exchange of data, graphic files and information between CAD systems.
The conversion operation (import / export) can be done on a single file or in batch mode (on request), i.e. selecting multiple files simultaneously and importing or exporting in the specified format.
With this module you can work with files from any 3D modeling or parametric software:

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